INSIGHT STRATEGIES  research | capacity building | monitoring | evaluation
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Insight Strategies Update
Thursday, June 11, 2009

We are busy finalizing a new and novel HIV/AIDS nutrition program for ALAFA … The team were in Lesotho a couple of weeks ago piloting it and all went 100%, the client is very happy. All we need to do is finalize the posters and lesson plans. We are also busy finalizing and completing a project for Broadreach.

Another team member is busy finalizing a financial literacy audio script for one of our clients Kagiso Television.

One of our other colleagues is busy assisting a Law Firm with implementing an attention-grabbing HIV/AIDS program “Beyond the Balance Sheet”. This is a product that Insight Strategies have developed and I will elaborate more on this program in future blog posts. For more info please visit our web site ……

AND ……We have just secured a new client SABCOHA! We have started with some research for them, with regard to their HIV/AIDS tool kit. This is going to be an interesting project and we will keep you posted on developments.